Works in progress
JustPaid: A financial platform powered by AI
JustPaid helps startups to make, receive and track payments, understand their finances with analytics and identify opportunities, all powered by AI
Uberduck – AI Generated Rap
Uberduck lets music producers create AI-generated rap through a straightforward process where creating and adding custom beats and voices are also possible.
PropelAuth: An authentication product for B2B startups
Backed by Y Combinator
user research, Competitive analyses, customer journeys, wireframe, design system, UI design, website design
PropelAuth builds an advanced authentication system that is possible to integrate without becoming an auth expert.
DeepDeets Influencer Mobile App
Design Thinking Process, user interview, wireframe, design system, UI design
DeepDeets mobile app makes it possible for an influencer to share the analytics and prepare their media kits.
DeepDeets Influencer Marketing App
user interview, user persona, wireframe, design system, UI Design
DeepDeets solves marketers’ problems in finding the best influencer match for their brands, collaborating, and getting campaign analytics.
Diving and Outdoor Activities Dragoman, Kaş, Turkey
Dragoman is a unique outdoor agency sustaining eco-tourism and one of the best diving schools on the Med coast. I was responsible for creating an enjoyable user experience on their website for the guests even before they arrive in Kaş.